文章出處:CNN https://edition.cnn.com/2022/06/19/us/new-york-public-library-free-books-trnd/index.html
The New York Public Library is giving away 500,000 books this summer
New Yorkers of all ages can now treat their shelves to a new book.
The New York Public Library (NYPL) has announced that it will give away 500,000 books to city residents to keep as part of its "Summer at the Library Program." Its goal is to help kids, teens and adults build their home libraries, as well as keep youth productive through the summer break.
◆announced,宣布 ◆residents,市民
The books are available at any of the library's 92 locations in Manhattan, the Bronx and Staten Island. Some locations will even offer Spanish, Chinese, and large print titles.
"New York City students and families have been through so much over the last two years. It's critical that, during this period of recovery and renewal, our ecosystem of learning do all it can to support and engage them," Brian Bannon, NYPL's Merryl and James Tisch director of branch libraries and education, said in a statement earlier this month. "Public libraries are uniquely positioned to do this while students are out of the classroom over the summer months, providing quality, free programs to engage their minds while also getting them excited about books, reading, learning, and their communities."
“在過去的兩年,紐約的學生和家庭經歷了許多事情。重要的是,在這段復原和更新的時間,我們的學習生態系統將全力的支持和吸引他們。“ Brian Bannon,紐約公共圖書館的Merryl和James Tisch分館和教育部主任,在本月稍早的聲明中說。“當學生在暑假期間離開教室時,公共圖書館有獨特地優勢,提供優質的、免費的課程去吸引他們,同時也讓他們對書籍、閱讀、學習和環境感到興奮。“
◆critical,要緊的 ◆period,某段時間的 ◆recovery,復原 ◆renewal,更新 ◆ecosystem,生態系統 ◆director,主任 ◆uniquely,獨特地 ◆postioned,地位
In addition to the giveaway, NYPL is also hosting free youth programs throughout the summer, including story times, reading challenges, and writing contests. It will also offer adult workshops for technology training, job search aid, English as a Second Language and citizenship classes.
◆in addition to,除了
Of course, with a free library card and no late fees, New Yorkers also have access to millions of books to take on countless adventures.